Jessica Nigri Kinda Funny Twitch Skycam


Articles and chapters

A plea for change in research on intercultural discourses: A 'liquid' approach to the study of the acculturation of Chinese students

Fred Dervin

Journal: Journal of Multicultural Discourses

Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2011, pages 37-52


Rethinking the Acculturation and Assimilation of 'Others' in a 'Monocultural' Country: Forms of Intercultural Pygmalionism in Two Finnish Novels

Fred Dervin

Journal: Journal of Intercultural Studies

Volume 34, Issue 4, August 2013, pages 356-370


Towards post-intercultural teacher education: analysing 'extreme' intercultural dialogue to reconstruct interculturality

Fred Dervin

Journal: European Journal of Teacher Education

pages 1-16 2014


Exploring 'new' interculturality online

Fred Dervin

Journal: Language and Intercultural Communication

pages 1-16 2014


A guide to interculturality for international and exchange students: an example of Hostipitality?

Fred Dervin & Heidi Layne

Journal: Journal of Multicultural Discourses

Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2013, pages 1-19


Constructing a fairy tale around intercultural couplehood on Chinese television

Fred Dervin & Minghui Gao

Journal: Language and Intercultural Communication

Volume 12, Issue 1, February 2012, pages 6-23


Turbulence in intercultural communication education (ICE): does it affect higher education?

Fred Dervin & Céline Tournebise

Journal: Intercultural Education

Volume 24, Issue 6, December 2013, pages 532-543


Interreligious dialogue in schools: beyond asymmetry and categorisation?

Anna-Leena Riitaoja & Fred Dervin

Journal: Language and Intercultural Communication

Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2014, pages 76-90

Most quoted about interculturality:

Dervin, F., Auger, N. (2009). Argumentaire et introduction à l'ouvrage. In Auger, N., Dervin, F. & Suomela-Salmi, E. (éds.). Pour une didactique des imaginaires. Paris: L'Harmattan, 10-16.

Dervin, F. (2010). "Assessing intercultural competence in Language Learning and Teaching: a critical review of current efforts". In: Dervin, F. & E. Suomela-Salmi (eds.). New Approaches to Assessment in Higher Education. (157-173). Bern: Peter Lang.

Dervin, F. (2011). A plea for change in research on intercultural discourses: A 'liquid' approach to the study of the acculturation of Chinese students.Journal of Multicultural Discourses. Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2011, 37-52.

Dervin, F. (2011). Cultural identity, representation and Othering. In Jackson, J. (ed.).Routledge Handbook of Intercultural Communication. London & NY: Routledge.

Lavanchy, A., Gajardo, A. & Fred Dervin (2011). Interculturality at stake. In Dervin, F., Gajardo, A. & A. Lavanchy (Eds). Politics of Interculturality. Newcastle: CSP: 1-26.

Dervin, F. & E. Gao (2012). Constructing a Fairy Tale: the identification of an 'Intercultural' Couple on Chinese Television.Journal of Language  andIntercultural Communication. 2/2012. 6-23.

Dervin, F. & M. Gao (2012). Keeping up appearances before the 'Other'? Interculturality and Occidentalism in the educational TV-programme Happy Chinese (快乐汉语). Frontiers of Education in China. 7(4): 553–575.

Dervin, F. & Layne, H. (2013). A guide to interculturality for international and exchange students: an example of Hostipitality?,Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 1-19, DOI:10.1080/17447143.2012.753896


Dervin, F. (Forth.). Country 'hyper-branding' and the internationalization of Higher Education: Is the ®evolution of interculturality coming?

Härkönen, A. & F. Dervin (submitted to East Asia). Study abroad beyond the usual 'imagineering'? The benefits of a pedagogy of imaginaries.

Dervin, F. (forth.). Informal Preparation of Chinese students for Study Abroad. In Guo, S. & Guo, Y. (Eds.). Chinese Education in the Globalized World. Sense.

Fred Dervin, Kaisa Hahl, Anu Härkönen & Heidi Layne (forth.) "Do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself (…)": Representing intercultural encounters in two Finnish history textbooks. In Hahl, K., Niemi, P.-M., Longfor, M. & F. Dervin (Eds.). Diversities in Textbooks: The Case of Finland. Newcastle: CSP. Draft available HERE

Dervin, F. (forth). Taking Myths Seriously. Towards Mythologies Of Education. Myths in Education edited by Marcus Harmes, Henk Huijser and Patrick Alan Danaher (Palgrave).

Dervin, F. (forth.). Research on interculturality: The researcher's role. Wiley.

Dervin, F. (forth.). Interculturel et nationalisme méthodologique : aller au-delà des « -ismes »

Härkönen, A. & F. Dervin (forth.). "Talking just about learning languages and getting to know cultures is something that's mentioned in very many applications": Student and staff imaginaries about study abroad

Dervin, F. & T. Riikonen (forth.) Itsen teknologiat: tutkimus identiteeteistä kulttuurienvälisissä podcast-lähetyksissä.

Riitaoja, A.-L. & F. Dervin (Forth). Interreligious dialogue in schools: Beyond asymmetry and categorisation? Language and Intercultural Communication.

Dervin, F. & Tournebise, C. (Forth.). Turbulence in intercultural communication education: does it affect higher education? Intercultural Education.

Dervin, F. & Kaisa Kuoppala (Forth.). Developing a Portfolio of Intercultural Competences in teacher education: The case of a Finnish international programme. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Dervin, F. & Gao, E. (forth.). Representing the Chinese student in literature: The case of A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary FOR LOVERS (恋人版中英词典)

Dervin, F. (forth) Foreword: Learning and teaching culture beyond fantasies? In Mads Jakob Kirkebæk, Xiangyun Du, and Annie Aarup Jensen (eds. ). The power of context in teaching and learning culture. Sense Publishers.

Dervin, F. (fort.). Compétences interculturelles renouvelées dans la formation des enseignants de langues en Finlande. La Revue de l'AQEFLS. Numéro thématique "Culture/interculture: où en sommes-nous?".

Dervin, F. Discourses of Othering. The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction. Wiley.

Dervin, F. Thanks to Scandinavia? Holocaust Education in the Nordic Countries. Handbook of Holocaust Education. UNESCO/Springer.

Schatz, M. & F. Dervin (submitted). "In 2030 Finland will be the problem-solver of the world": Reactions to national branding strategies and Finnish education®

Dervin, F. (submitted). Towards post-intercultural education in Finland?

Dervin, F. (submitted) Making sense of education for diversities: Criticality, reflexivity and language.

Dervin, F. & J. Byrd Clark. (submitted) Quelles transversalités multilingues et interdisciplinaires EN didactique des langues et de l'interculturel ? «Branchements » dans la revue Synergies europe

Dervin, F., Paavola, H. & M. Talib (submitted). Analysing Otherness in Multicultural Teacher Education: What Can(not) be Done?

Dervin, F. The 'Intercultural' Online in Education: The Promises of Electronic Discursive Pragmatics.

Dervin, F. & H.-M. Järvinen (submitted) La Finlande : un pays où l'évaluation des enseignants de langues n'existe pas ? Langues Modernes

Dervin, F. Towards Post-Intercultural Teacher Education: Analysing 'Extreme' Intercultural Dialogue to boost Renewed Interculturality?  Forth.

Paavola, H., Kopisto, K., Brotherus, A. & F. DervinTowards (2012). Flexible Pre- and Primary Education in Multicultural Contexts? An Example of Collaborative Action Research in Finland. In Ragnarsdóttir, H. & C. Schmidt (eds.). Learning Spaces for Social Justice: international perspectives on exemplary practices from preschool to secondary school. London: Trentham Books.

Dervin, F. (forth.). Taking Researching With Vs. Researching On Seriously: A Detour Via the Intercultural? (Book discussant). In Midgley, W., Danaher, P.A. & Baguley, M. Reimagining Participants in Education Research. London: Routledge.

Dervin, F. (submitted) Rants against multiculturalism caught on camera in Britain: racism without races?

Dervin, F. (submitted) Forms of Intercultural Pygmalionism in two Finnish Novels.

Dervin, F. (forth.). Do intercultural couples "see culture everywhere"? Case studies from couples who share a lingua franca in Finland and Hong Kong.Civilisations, vol. 61 (2).

Dervin, F. (forth.).Idiots Abroad? Constructing travel as intercultural mediation in two European travel documentary television series.

Dervin, F. (forth). Politics of Identification in the Use of Lingua Francas in Student Mobility. In Kinginger, C. (ed.).Social and cultural aspects of cross-border language learning. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Dervin, F. & C. Tournebise (forth.). Éducation interculturelle et reconnaissance desdiverses diversités: le cas des études universitaires en Finlande.

Dervin, F. (forth.) Le GPS a-t-il une identité ? L' « object turn » dans l'étude des constructions identitaires.

Dervin, F. (forth.) Le graal de la compétence interculturelle : évaluer l'inévaluable en FLE ?

Dervin, F. (submitted). Autonomie et interculturel : deux complices à rallier urgemment ?


Dervin, F., Paatela-Nieminen, M., Kuoppala, M.-K., Riitaoja, A.-L. (2012). Multicultural Education in Finland – Renewed Intercultural Competences to the Rescue? International Journal of Multicultural Education. 14(3): 1-13.

Dervin, F. & M. Gao (2012). Keeping up appearances before the 'Other'? Interculturality and Occidentalism in the educational TV-programme Happy Chinese (快乐汉语).Frontiers of Education in China.  7(4): 553–575.

Dervin, F. (2012). Sociodigital interaction: renewed ways of 'doing interculturality'? In Sharifian, F. & M. Jamarani (eds.).Intercultural Communication in the New Era. Routledge. 83-98.

Riikonen, T. & F. Dervin (2012). Contructing a Muslim religious identity online in Finland and the Quebec province (Canada). Nordic Journal of Migration Research. Vol. 2 (1). 35-44.

Dervin, F. & E. Gao (2012). Constructing a Fairy Tale: the identification of an 'Intercultural' Couple on Chinese Television.Journal of Language  andIntercultural Communication. 2/2012. 6-23.


Dervin, F. (2011) The repression of us- and we-hoods in European exchange students' narratives about their experiences in Finland. Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology, Vol. 2 (1), 79-94.

Dervin, F. (2011). A plea for change in research on intercultural discourses: A 'liquid' approach to the study of the acculturation of Chinese students.Journal of Multicultural Discourses. Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2011, 37-52.

Dervin, F. (2011). Cultural identity, representation and Othering. In Jackson, J. (ed.). Routledge Handbook of Intercultural Communication. London & NY: Routledge.

Dervin, F. (2011). Can proteophilia transform Finnish and Hong Kong students of French engaged in virtual mobility? Transforming versus repressing the self and the other in language learning and teaching. In: Finch, J. & P. Nynäs (eds.). Transforming otherness. NY: Transaction. pp. 35- 62.

Books, edited volumes and journal issues


Dervin, F., Lamy, M.-N. & K. Zourou (eds.). Socio-digital technologies for language learning. Palgrave. (2012)

Dervin, F. & A. Liddicoat (eds.). Linguistics for intercultural education. Benjamins. (2012).

Korpela, M. & F. Dervin (eds.). Cocoon communitites –Togetherness in the 21st century. CSP. (2012).


Dervin, F. & B. Fracchiolla (eds.) (2012). Anthropology, interculturality and language learning and teaching. How compatible are they? Bern: Peter Lang.

Dervin, F. (2012).Impostures interculturelles. Paris : L'Harmattan.


Dervin, F., Gajardo, A. & A. Lavanchy (eds.) (2011).Politics of Interculturality. Newcastle: CSP.Dervin, F. (ed.).

Analysing  the Consequences of Academic Mobility and Migration. Newcastle: CSP.

Andrieu, B., Dervin, F. & A. Ljalikova (éds.) (2011). Faire dialoguer les sciences humaines et sociales, la philosophie et les sciences du vivant autour du corps ?Synergies Pays Riverains de la Baltique no. 8.

Lavanchy, A., Gajardo, A. & F. Dervin (éds.). (2011). Anthropologies de l'interculturalité. Paris: L'Harmattan.

Dervin, F. & V. Badrinathan (2011).L'enseignant non natif : identités et légitimité dans l'enseignement-apprentissage des langues étrangères. Proximités E.M.E.

Dervin, F. (2011).Les identités des couples interculturels. En finirvraiment avec la culture ? Paris : L'Harmattan.

Barbot, M.-J. & F. Dervin (éds.). Relations interculturelles et formation.Education Permanente.


Dervin, F. & E. Suomela-Salmi (eds.) (2010). New approaches to Assessing language and (inter- )cultural competences in higher education. Peter Lang.



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